Midnight Moonlight Gladiolus

The When, Where & How of Planting Gladiolus

Gladiolus is a flower of many names (Sword lily, Corn Lily, Xiphium), many colors (ranging from pure white to almost black) and multiple applications- they’re priceless at the back borders, great for cutting gardens, floral arrangements and bouquets. These strikingly showy plants, planted right, are a breeze to grow and sheer joy to behold. Here’s some intel on planting Gladiolus that you might find helpful.

When to plant

Spring is the best time for planting gladiolus bulbs. A majority of gladiolus varieties are hardy to zone 7 and as such, can be left out in the garden over the cold season. Those in colder places can plant gladiolus bulbs after the last frost date in spring.

Where to plant

Look for a site that gets full sun and isn’t subject to strong wind. Gladiolus isn’t too picky about the type of soil. It must, however, drain well. You’d do well to incorporate a 2-4 inch layer of compost into the planting beds to improve the soil’s fertility and drainage. Also, rid the planting site of all weeds and debris.

How to plant

Depending on their size, gladiolus bulbs should be planted 2-6 inches deep, the pointed end facing the skies. Space the bulbs about 5 inches apart in rows. You can also plant gladiolus in groups of 10-15, with 4-5 inches separating the adjacent plantings. Cover up with soil, level the ground and then water, enough to soak the soil. Taller varieties of gladiolus require staking at the time of planting. Take care not to damage the bulbs in the act. Provide a 2-4 inch layer of mulch around the bulbs. This will aid moisture retention and help suppress weed growth. Make sure you irrigate periodically if the rainfall is less than an inch a week in summer.

Gladiolus flowers will be out and in bloom within 70-90 days of planting, coloring your space beautiful right till the first frost.

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