
All about Planting Dahlias

Dahlias, planted right, promise delightful color-displays all the way from midsummer to the first frost, that too, with little aftercare. The spiky blooms come in endearing hues, including pink, purple, red, yellow, orange and white, and vary in size from delectable 2-inch pompoms to the famed 10-inch dinnerplate dahlias. Selecting from such a wide array is perhaps the trickiest, surely the toughest part of growing dahlias.

When to plant

Dahlias can be planted once the ground temperatures have reached 60°F in spring, with no threat of unexpected frost. They have been known to perform exceptionally in the moist, cold conditions of the Pacific Coast, but generally struggle when the soil is cold. It’s hence advisable you see off the frosty nights before planting them.

Where to plant

Sunny sites recipient to 6-8 hours of direct sunlight on a daily basis are perfect for planting dahlias. Look for a location that offers protection from the wind. Dahlias will feel right at home in slightly acidic soils (PH of 6.5-7.0). Heavier soils can, and should be amended by adding in peat moss, bagged steer manure or sand.

How to Plant

Dig planting holes a little larger in size than the root ball. When planting, make sure the crown portion of the plant rests just above the soil surface. Allow a gap of about 2 feet between the shorter varieties and 3 feet between the taller cultivars. Taller dahlias will need to be staked. Place wooden stakes, 5-6 feet tall, around the plants. Use a piece of string to tie the plant stems to the stakes in 2-3 different spots. Remember, do not water immediately after planting. Wait till sprouts are visible above the soil. Dahlias won’t require further irrigation until the plants appear. Once established, dahlias will require deep watering 2-3 times a week.

There are some things in life you just can’t get enough of. Dahlias belong to that group of things – once you’ve witnessed them in bloom, you’ll immediately want to grow more. It’s sure great then that they’re so easy and effortless to grow!

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